World History Project Evaluation


Description of what you made                                       ________/ 10
Description of how you made it                                     ________ / 5
Explanation of why you did it                                          ________ / 5
Information related to the subject                                   ________ / 15
Title page                                                                          _______ / 2
Bibliography                                                                     ________ / 8
Cover                                                                                ________ / 5
                                                                        Subtotal     ________ / 50


Overall visual appeal                                                       ________ / 30
Creative use of materials                                                ________ / 30
Accurate representation                                                  ________ / 30
Appears to have at least 5 hrs work                               ________ / 30
                                                                        Subtotal      ________ / 120

Oral Presentation                                                             ________ / 15
Answered questions knowledgably                               ________ / 15
                                                                        Total           ________ / 200