
2. province
3. Zealots
4. Jerusalem
5. messiah
6. freedom
7. Jesus
8. relationship
9. love
10. forgive
11. parables
12. mistakes
13. effects
14. crucified
15. Christianity
16. Christians
17. apostles
18. & 19. Peter or Paul
20. sin


1. True

2. False, Christianity in the Byzantine

Empire was known as the Eastern Orthodox Church

3. False, Charlemagne was given the title of emperor.

4. True

5. True

6. False, Paula, a well-educated Roman widow, helped Jerome translate the Bible into Latin.

7. False, The Benedictine Rule encouraged monks to give up their belongings, live simply, and spend their time in work and prayer.

8. True

9. False. Ethelbert converted TO Christianity and allowed the missionaries to build a church in the city of Canterbury.