1. Asia
2. Himalaya
3. river
4. climate
5. winter
6. summer
7. civilization
8. Arabian
9. Harappan
10. farmers
11. prosperous
12. Aryans
13. hunters
14. language
15. caste
16. classes


1. Brahman

2. A soul that becomes one with Brahman is like a lump of salt thrown into water. The lump of salt is gone, but the water tastes salty. The salt has become part of the water.

3. reincarnation

4. It made them more accepting of the caste system and gave hope to everyone, even servants.

5. Siddhartha Gautama, who later became know as the Buddha.

6. You must give up the desire for fame, the desire for money, and the desire for all worldly things.

7. The steps of the eight-fold path must be followed in order to stop desiring things.

8. The Buddhists split into the Theravada and Mahayana Buddhists.

9. Mahayana Buddhism teaches that the Buddha is a god who came to save people.

10. Buddhism in Tibet is unique because it has mixed with Tibet's traditional religion and Hinduism to make a special kind of Mayahana Buddhism.